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1:72 US F-4F Corsair Korean War


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1:72 US F-4F Corsair Korean War

Art.Nr.: 510001453
Art.bezeichnung: 1:72 US F-4F Corsair Korean War

The F-4U Corsair was developed and produced by the Vought aircraft company as a U.S. Navy carrier- borne fighter. It entered service at the end of 1944 and immediately proved to be extraordinarily efficient, robust and reliable. On the Pacific front it scored a high number of shot down enemy aircraft. The Corsair also had the most powerful radial engine available at the time within American industry. This was the 18-cylinder Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp capable of reaching over 2,000 hp. The powerful engine was integral to the aircraft design which was created with the characteristic and easily recognizable gull wing. Its reliability resulted in exceptional operational longevity and deployment in large numbers during the Korean War. The primary role was no longer that of fighter however, as that role was now performed by jet aircraft, but it became a day / night ground attack aircraft offering close support to ground troops.
